A Thickish Piece of String

"There is only one group of people who don't have problems, and they're all dead. Problems are a sign of life. So the more problems you have, the more alive you are." -Norman Vincent Peale

Tuesday, December 30, 1997

Mouse Disposal

The Christmas overtime at work has now stopped, but when I was working the 12 hour shifts at the post office during the pre-Christmas season, I was staying with Sara at her apartment. Well, anyway, on this one particular Wednesday night, I sleepily stumbled into the apartment after work and crossed the kitchen to turn on the light so I could plop my stuff down on the cupboard. It was about 2:00 a.m and I was tired! Well, the light came on, but before I knew it, I was back across that kitchen and into the hall where I had started from. Sitting there on the cupboard in a sticky glue mouse trap was a very real mouse... real eyes and everything! It was trying its very best to disappear, only it was getting nowhere fast. Out of respect to the hour, I squelched my urge to screech! Meeting up with a mouse was a much more effective eye-opener than any drug or coffee available, trust me.

Well, since "mouse disposal" is not in my job description as a temporary guest, I calmly told the mouse "sorry 'bout your luck," and turned the light back off, choosing a more desirable spot to place my things. Sara gets off of work about half an hour later than I do, but I wasn't going to waste time waiting around to warn her of the little visitor; however, I did do the considerate sisterly thing: I got her notebook and wrote "M O U S E" across a page, then took the paper, stuck it in the door she comes in, and went to bed... (couch, actually). I was experiencing rather vicious heart palpitations, so I couldn't even go to sleep right away, but I did manage to doze off before Sara came home.

I was awakened then by hearing her disgusted little moans as she went about doing her mouse disposal thingy. :-) I then woke up enough to have a good hearty laugh as she took the whole trap, dumped it in a trash bag, and marched it out to the dumpster. But I was sound asleep before she ever made it back inside. I love being the irresponsible one. Sara somehow didn't find it quite as amusing as I did.

Well, I went to work the next day to the doctor's and had totally forgotten about it until I went back to work that afternoon. Sara drove in right in front of me. The instant I looked at her, it hit me, and I started laughing. So she had to laugh too. It just got worse and worse, and we ended up standing out in the parking lot laughing hysterically for about ten minutes. It was C~O~L~D standing out there, so by the time I clocked in, my hands were so cold I could hardly type. It was a lot worse I think because I had had so little sleep. I get a little silly when I lack in the sleep department. However, I have since then been a lot more cautious when entering kitchens.


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